
Pixelodeon Promo from Paris

This is a promo I've made for Pixelodeon, shot in Paris yesterday. We went for a couple of days for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was amazing. My phone ran out of battery, so I had to wait to come home to cut and post this.

I'm having a few vids screened at Pixelodeon and, um, now I'm going.

I don't know if you can tell from this video, but I'm excited.

Pixelodeon web video festival, 9/10 June 2007 at the American Film Institute, Hollywood. Pixelodeonfest.com


Cheryl said...

the French must have thought you were completely insane, congratulation!

Steve Woolf said...

yes! will be great to meet you!

and who knew there were so many odeons in Paris?

Anonymous said...

C'mon, admit it! You told your wife you are taking her to Paris for your anniversary while, in fact, you were there after Odeons for your promo video!!! Ha! Gotcha! :-)))

trine said...

you're mad.


Anonymous said...

Quite brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Looking forward to finally meeting you there :)